Deborah Conway

Deborah Conway's Fundraiser

No One Can Survive COVID-19 on an Empty Stomach image

No One Can Survive COVID-19 on an Empty Stomach

Support my HavServe in Haiti COVID-19 Family Relief Fund

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$595 towards $600

Hi Friends,

This is an organization with which I am very involved and believe in. The title HavServe was created to imply that those who have serve those in need, as you may have interpreted. I know many people are hurting at this time, and you may or may not be in a position to donate a small amount-- perhaps $5 or $10. If not please do not feel any pressure to do so. If you can, please join me in supporting good in the world, and make a difference. Help us feed a family of 4 for one month through HavServe. My goal is to feed 24 families ($25 each). As the children are not currently in school the families are literally without food or transportation.

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping me meet my goal for HavServe